Letter Example for Student

Letter Title: Write to suggest alternative times for practice in the community hall

Keywords or Topics: community life

The letter samples about 'Write to suggest alternative times for practice in the community hall' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each letter is a model to study.

Besides, more letter questions sharing the topic of community life are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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 Letter questions and examples
Write to suggest alternative times for practice in the community hall.
Answer 1
Dear Mr.Daniel,

I am writing on behalf of a group of musicians called The IPA Band, who have been using the community hall for rehearsals. Until recently, they have been using the town hall to practice. However, they were informed by the council secretary that they would no longer be allowed to do so, but were not given any reason why.

The band has an upcoming set of gigs at the local community center, which would bring in extra revenue for the center's renovation fund, as they have ...
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Lexical skills
Letter Questions for Topic : community life
1. Write a letter to a newspaper editor recommending someone in your community.

2. Write to your company to recommend a local community group that deserves help.

3. Write to the community that your company can't organize this year's sports event.