Letter Example for Student

Letter Title: Write to a person and invite her or him to a celebratory event

Keywords or Topics: private event

The letter samples about 'Write to a person and invite her or him to a celebratory event' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each letter is a model to study.

Besides, more letter questions sharing the topic of private event are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
 Letter questions and examples
Write to a person and invite her or him to a celebratory event.
Answer 1
Dear Ms. Vernet,

I am writing to invite you to a reception to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Foxtrot at 8.00 pm on February 10th. As our regular and valued customer, we would very much like you and a guest to be present for us on this particular occasion.

We are hoping that around 200 people that we genuinely consider as friends of our club will be able to attend. As well as a special buffet, you will be able to enjoy a number of performances from some of the musicians who have ...
Score: 80%
Full answer
Lexical skills
Letter Questions for Topic : private event
1. Write to a hotel manager to provide positive feedback about a birthday party.

2. Write to a club president about your event and who you are inviting.

3. Writing an invitation letter to a friend for your special celebration.

4. Write to a classmate to invite him to a party with the details about the event plan.

5. Write to a co-worker who is organizing a goodbye party that you cannot attend.

6. Write to invite a friend living abroad to join a reunion party with other friends.

7. Write to invite a friend to join a party of old schoolmates with you.