Letter Example for Student

Letter Title: Write to a bookstore manager to try to buy a particular book by mailing

Keywords or Topics: book

The letter samples about 'Write to a bookstore manager to try to buy a particular book by mailing' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each letter is a model to study.

Besides, more letter questions sharing the topic of book are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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 Letter questions and examples
Write to a bookstore manager to try to buy a particular book by mailing.
Answer 1
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to reach out for help from you regarding a book that I desperately need.

The book Stress and Insomnia was written by a professor at ABU two years ago. I have been going to countless bookshops to try to find it around my city. However, I haven’t been able to get it. Last night, when browsing the Internet, I found a professor who said that he bought this book from your store a few weeks ago, so I just contacted you immediately to purchase it. ...
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Letter Questions for Topic : book
1. Write to your teacher to explain why you couldn't return the borrowed book in time.

2. Write to thank your colleague for his book that helps your presentation.

3. Write to complain that the book you ordered online hasn't been received yet.

4. Write to a friend to recommend a book you have just read and found useful.

5. Write to a friend about your vacation days and how his guidebook was helpful.