pachyderm: (皮厚的动物(如大象)) any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals, as elephant | pacifist: (和平主义者) one opposed to force; antimilitarist |
pacify: (安抚,平静) ease anger or agitation of; make calm or quiet; end war or violence | paean: (欢乐歌,赞美歌) song of praise or joy; loud and joyous song; song of triumph |
painstaking: (辛勤的) extremely careful and diligent work or effort; taking of pains | painting: (绘画,油画) drawing; picture or design in paint; action of applying paint to a surface |
palatable: (可接受的,美味的) acceptable; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten | palatial: (宫殿似的,宏伟的,壮丽的) of nature of palace, as in spaciousness or ornateness |
palette: (调色板) board on which painter mixes pigments | palimpsest: (重写手稿,(刮去原文后的)重刻的碑) manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased |
pall: (厌烦,腻味) grow tiresome; have dulling, wearisome, or boring effect | palliate: (减轻) lessen violence of disease; moderate intensity; gloss over with excuses |
pallid: (苍白的,惨淡的) abnormally pale; lacking intensity of color or luminousness | palpable: (易于领会的,明显的) tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable |
palpitate: (拍动,跳动,搏动) beat rapidly; shake with fast, tremulous movements | paltry: (不显著的,微小的) insignificant; lacking in importance or worth; worthless |
panacea: (包治百病的药,灵丹妙药) remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all | panache: (华丽) distinctive and stylish elegance; a bunch of feathers or plume, especially on a helmet |
pandemic: (广泛传播的,流行的) widespread; affecting majority of people | pandemonium: (喧嚣,混乱) state of extreme confusion and disorder; very noisy place |