iceberg: n. (冰山) a large mass of ice floating at sea | identify: v. Syn. detect; spot; find out; discover (識別,認出,鑑定) detect; find out; discover |
ideological: a. (意識形態的) concerned with or suggestive of ideas | illumination: n. (照明,啟發) degree of visibility of your environment |
illusive: a. Syn. deceptive; misleading (迷惑人的,錯覺的) deceptive; misleading; based on or having the nature of an illusion | imagery: n. Syn. image ((藝術,文學)肖像,形象,形象化的比喻) ability to form mental images of things or events; figurative writing |
impediment: n. Syn. hindrance; obstacle (妨礙,障礙物) any structure that makes progress difficult; stumbling-block | impending: a. Syn. imminent; approaching (接近的,附近的) close in time; about to occur; approaching |
import: v. ((貿易)進口) bring in from another country | impose: v. Syn. demand; force; inflict (強加於,施加影響) demand; force; compel to behave in a certain way |
impracticality: n. (不切實際,辦不到) concerned with theoretical possibilities rather than actual use | imprisonment: n. Syn. confinement; incarceration (監禁) confinement; putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment |
improvise: v. Syn. extemporize (臨時準備,即席創作,現編) compose, perform, or do something with little or no preparation | impulse: n. (推動,刺激,衝動) act of applying force suddenly; an impelling force or strength |
incidentally: ad. Syn. by chance; accidentally (附帶地,偶然地) by chance; accidentally | incise: v. Syn. cut; carve (切割) cut; carve |
incorporate: v. Syn. combine; unite (合併,聯合) combine something into a larger whole; unite | incorporation: n. Syn. unification; alliance (結合,合併) consolidating two or more things; union in one body ; alliance |
incredulous: a. Syn. skeptical (懷疑的) difficult to believe; incredible; skeptical | incur: v. Syn. cause; arouse (招致) bring upon oneself; become liable to; acquire or come into |