hackneyed | (常见的,不希罕,陈腐) repeated too often; over familiar through overuse |
haggard | (枯槁的,憔悴的) wasted away; showing wearing effects of overwork or suffering |
halting | (犹豫的) hesitant; faltering; imperfect or defective |
handicap | (生理上或智力上的缺陷,残疾,智力低下) disadvantage; physical disability; cripple; hinder; impede |
haphazard | (随机的) not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance |
harangue | (夸大的讲话) noisy speech; speech or piece of writing with strong feeling or expression |
harbinger | (先驱,先兆) forerunner; an indication of approach of something or someone |
hardy | (艰苦的,勇敢的) in robust and good health; able to survive under unfavorable conditions |
harness | (利用(河流,瀑布等)产生动力) gear or tackle with which a draft animal pulls a vehicle or implement; something resembling gear or tackle, as straps |
harrowing | (痛苦,悲怆) agonizing; distressing extremely painful |
harshness | (严酷,恶劣) quality or condition of being harsh; excessive sternness |
harvest | (收获,收割) gather; yield from plants in a single growing season |
haste | (匆忙,急忙,草率) hurry; rapidity of action or motion |
haughtiness | (傲慢,不逊) pride; arrogance; highness or loftiness |
haul | (拖) draw slowly or heavily; pull or drag forcibly; shift direction |
hay | (干草) grass or other plants, cut and dried for fodder |
haze | (薄雾) fog; mist; partially opaque covering; vague or confused state of mind |
headlong | (轻率的) uncontrollably forceful or fast; done with head leading; headfirst |
heaven | (天,天堂) expanse of space surrounding the earth; sky; place where the sun, moon, and stars appear |
heckler | (质问者) one who harasses others;one who tries to embarrass others with questions and objections |