quail | n. (перепела) any of various small game birds of the family Phasianidae or of the family Odontophoridae |
qualification | n. (квалификации) an attribute that must be met |
quartz | n. (кварца) a hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form |
quest | n. Syn. search; expedition (поиск) act of searching for something |
quiescent | a. Syn. dormant (покоя) at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive |
quilt | n. (одеяло) bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing |
radiant | a. Syn. ablaze; brilliant; delighted (излучающие) brilliant; delighted |
raft | n. (плоту) a flat float made of logs or planks; a large number or amount or extent |
rainbow | n. (радуга) arc of colored light in sky caused by refraction of the sun's rays by rain |
rally | v. Syn. gather; combine; assemble (ралли) call up or summon; call together for a common purpose |
ratify | v. Syn. confirm; verify (ратифицировать) approve formally; confirm; verify |
ration | n. Syn. allotment; allowance; portion (рациона) allotment; allowance; portion; allot; distribute in rations |
rational | a. Syn. logical; reasonable (рационального) consistent with; based on; using reason |
rationing | n. (нормирование) act of rationing |
rattle | n. (погремушки) a rapid series of short loud sounds; loosely connected horny sections |
raven | v. (ворон) consume greedily; devour; seek or seize as prey or plunder |
rawhide | n. (сыромятной кожи) cowhide, or coarse riding whip, made of raw hide twisted. |
raze | v. Syn. demolish; ruin (разрушить) destroy completely; scrape or shave off |
readjust | v. (корректировки) adjust again after an initial failure |
rebroadcast | v. (ретрансляцию) broadcast again, as of a film |