quaint: a. Syn. odd; picturesque; strange (離奇古怪的,做的精巧的,過時的) odd; old-fashioned; picturesque; unfamiliar or unusual in character | qualified: a. Syn. certified (有資格的,有限制的,被限制的) restricted; having the appropriate qualifications for an office, position, or task |
qualify: v. (使合格,使具有資格) make such as is required; give added or requisite qualities to; make legally capable | qualm: n. (疑慮,不安,噁心) sudden feeling of sickness or faintness; sudden attack of illness |
quarry: n. Syn. victim; prey (獵物,受害者) victim; object of hunt; hunted animal | quarter: n. Syn. fourth (四分之一) one of four equal parts; a fourth part or portion |
queer: a. Syn. eccentric; mysterious (奇怪的,瘋狂的) odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric; mysterious; suspicious; questionable | quench: v. Syn. extinguish (弄濕,撲滅,熄滅,淬火) put out a fire; extinguish; put an end to; destroy |
questionable: a. (可疑的) subject to question; admitting of being questioned; inviting, or seeming to invite, inquiry | quilt: v. (縫製針線品) pad and stitch ornamentally; construct something, such as clothing, using the same technique |
quota: n. Syn. share; ration (配額,定量,定額) limitation on imports; ration; prescribed number | quotation: n. (引用語) passage or expression that is quoted or cited; practice of quoting from books |
racket: n. (球拍) device consisting of an oval frame with a tight interlaced network of strings and a handle; wooden paddle, as one used in table tennis | radar: n. (雷達) measuring instrument to detect distant objects by microwave |
radiate: v. Syn. effuse (放射,輻射) spread out; effuse; issue or emerge in rays or waves | radiation: n. (輻射,發光,放熱) very small particles of a radioactive substance that can cause illness or death |
radical: a. Syn. drastic; extreme (根本的,激進的) drastic; extreme; arising from or going to a root or source; basic | radius: n. (半徑,半徑範圍) right line drawn or extending from the center of a circle to the periphery |
raft: n. (筏,救生艇) a flat float made of logs or planks; a large number or amount or extent | rage: n. Syn. vogue (風尚,風靡一時的事物) something that is desired intensely; state of extreme anger |