tackle: n. (نمٹنے) apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; stopping an opposing player carrying the ball | tactic: n. Syn. tactical (حربہ) plan for attaining a particular goal; action calculated to achieve some end |
tactics: n. Syn. strategy; policy (حکمت عملی) strategy; policy; plan for attaining a particular goal | tactile: a. (سپرش) used for feeling; relating to sense of touch; perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible |
tailor: n. (ٹیلر) one whose occupation is making garments; create clothes with cloth | talent: n. Syn. aptitude; skill; gift (پرتیبھا) skill; gift; marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment |
talented: a. Syn. gifted; skilled (وش) showing a natural gift for something | tame: a. (وش) domesticated; very restrained or quiet; make less strong or intense; soften |
tapeworm: n. (synthesize) ribbon-like flatworms | tar: n. (رال) sailor or seaman; thick, black, viscous liquid obtained by the distillation of wood, coal |
tariff: n. (ٹیرف) tax on goods coming into a country | tarnish: v. Syn. discoloration; stain (کلنک) make dirty or spotty; stain; dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt |
teapot: n. (teapot) pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle | technician: n. (ٹیکنیشن) one skilled particularly in the technical details of work |
tedious: a. Syn. boring; wearisome (تکاؤ) tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly | temper: v. Syn. moderate (آپا) moderate; tone down or restrain; bring to a desired consistency; adjust finely |
temperance: n. Syn. restraint; abstinence (شراببندی) restraint; avoiding excesses | temperate: a. Syn. restrained (سمشیتوشن) restrained; self-controlled; moderate in degree or quality |
tempo: n. Syn. rate; pace (لی) beat or speed of music; rate or rhythm of activity; pace | temporary: a. Syn. impermanent (عارضی) not permanent; not lasting |