sac | n. Syn. pouch (мешок) pouch or pouch-like structure in a plant or an animal, sometimes filled with fluid |
saddle | v. (седло) load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride |
sake | n. Syn. purpose (ради) purpose; reason for wanting something done |
salient | a. Syn. prominent (основные) prominent or protruding; projecting outwardly; moving by leaps or springs |
saline | a. Syn. salty (солевой) salty; containing salt; of or relating to chemical salts |
salinity | n. (солености) relative proportion of salt in a solution; the taste experience when salt is taken into the mouth |
saliva | n. (слюны) liquid that is produced naturally in the mouth |
saltiness | n. (солености) property of containing salt |
salute | n. Syn. honor (салют) give a sign of good will; compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow; honor |
salvage | v. Syn. rescue (спасения) save from loss or destruction; rescue of a ship; save for further use |
sample | n. Syn. specimen; example (образца) small part of something intended as representative of the whole |
sanctuary | n. Syn. refuge; shelter; shrine (убежище) place of refuge or asylum; shrine; holy place, such as a church, temple, or mosque |
sandy | a. (песчаных) loose and large-grained in consistency |
sanity | n. (здравомыслие) condition or quality of being sane; soundness of health of body or mind, especially of the mind |
sap | n. Syn. fluid (сок) watery fluid that circulates through a plant, carrying food and other substances to the various tissues; essential bodily fluid |
sarcasm | n. Syn. wit; satire (сарказм) cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound; stinging rebuke; form of humor by mocking with irony |
satiric | a. Syn. mocking; ironic (сатирических) mocking; exposing human folly to ridicule |
saturate | v. Syn. soak (насыщение) soak, fill, or load to capacity; cause to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance |
saturated | a. Syn. soaked; drenched (насыщенного) soaked; drenched; unable to hold or contain more; full |
savage | a. Syn. rude; wild; brutal (дикие) in a state of nature; wild; untamed; uncultivated; inhuman; brutal; not civilized; lacking polish; rude |