galaxy | n. (کہکشاں) large, isolated system of stars, as the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities |
gallery | n. (گیلری ، نگارخانہ) long usually narrow room ; covered corridor |
galvanization | n. (galvanize galvanization) stimulation that arouses a person to lively action |
galvanize | v. Syn. stimulate; invigorate (galvanize) stimulate by shock; stir up; stimulate to action |
gap | n. Syn. opening; crevice (وقفے) opening through mountains; pass; conspicuous difference or imbalance |
garbage | n. Syn. trash; rubbish; waste (ردی) trash; worthless or nonsensical matter; food wastes |
garish | a. (بڑکیلا) over-bright in color; tastelessly showy |
garment | n. (لباس) any article of clothing, as coat or gown |
gaseous | a. (گیسیی) of gas; gas-like; lacking substance or concreteness |
gasoline | n. Syn. petrol (گیسولین) petrol; flammable liquid consisting of a mixture of refined petroleum hydrocarbons |
gaudy | a. Syn. flashy (کشین بڑکیلا) very showy or ornamented, especially when excessive, or in a tasteless or vulgar manner |
gauge | n. Syn. measure; judge (گیج) measuring instrument; measure; judge |
gazette | n. (گزٹ) periodical; newspaper or official journal |
gear | n. (گئر) toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, to transmit motion or to change speed or direction |
gem | n. Syn. jewel (منی) precious stone; jewel; pearl or mineral that has been cut and polished for use as an ornament |
gender | n. (جنس) sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture; category |
generalize | v. Syn. infer; deduce (سامانییکرن) reach conclusion; become systemic and spread throughout the body |
generate | v. Syn. cause; produce; create (تشکیل) bring into being; give rise to; produce |
generic | a. Syn. general (عمومی) of an entire group or class; general |
generous | a. Syn. magnanimous (ادار) more than adequate; willing to give and share unstintingly |