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 5000 Words Level 2 - 4 - Printable Cards
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Exam Word - Total words: 300

5000 GRE Words Level 2 - 4: Print One-sided Flashcard

n. a rope attached to the bridle used to control a horse or other animal; an instrument of curbing or governing
n. rebirth of the soul in another body; revitalization in another form; a new embodiment
v. place again in possession, or a former state; restore to a state from which one had been removed
v. feel joy; experience gladness in a high degree; have pleasurable satisfaction; be delighted; enjoy
v. join again; unite after separation; come, or go, again into the presence of
n. falling back into a former state, especially becoming worse
n. state of refreshing tranquility; an act of making less strict
n. relation of something to the matter at hand; applicability to social issues
v. give up something with reluctance; retire from; give up or abandon
v. take keen or zestful pleasure in; enjoy the flavor of; give spice or flavor to
n. remnant; something left after other parts have been taken away
a. negligent; careless in performing duty or business
n. temporary moderation of disease symptoms; cancellation of debt; lessening of intensity or degree
v. make changes in structure or style; reconstruct; change the form of
v. deliver; give or make available; provide; represent in a drawing or painting
n. depiction or interpretation, as in painting or music; translation; version
v. abandon; disown; turn away from; give up
v. force or drive back; disgust; offer resistance to; fight against
a. driving away; unattractive; inspiring aversion or distaste; resistant or impervious to something
v. cause to feel remorse or regret; feel regret or self-reproach for