impertinent: (不相干的,鲁莽的) improperly forward or bold; rude | imperturbable: (沉着冷静,平静) unshakably calm; placid; incapable of being disturbed or disconcerted |
impetuous: (冲动的,鲁莽的) marked by sudden and violent force; hasty; impulsive and passionate | impetus: (动力,动机) incentive; stimulus; force or energy associated with a moving body |
impiety: (不敬(对神),不虔诚) irreverence; lack of respect for God | impinge: (撞击,碰撞) infringe; advance beyond usual limit; make physical impact on; touch |
impious: (不敬的,不礼貌的) irreverent; lacking due respect or dutifulness | implacable: (不能平静的) incapable of being pacified; not to be relieved; |
implausible: (难以置信的,不像是真的) unlikely; difficult to believe; dubious | implement: (贯彻,实现,用工具实现) put into effect; supply with tools |
implicate: (牵连,牵扯(犯罪),暗示) incriminate; involve or imply as necessary accompaniment or result | implication: (含义,暗示) something hinted at or suggested; act of implying; condition of being implied |
implicit: (会意的,意会而不言传,暗示的) implied or understood though not directly expressed | implode: (内爆,剧减) collapse or burst inward violently; burst inward |
implore: (恳求) beg for urgently; make an earnest appeal | imply: (暗示,表示) express or indicate indirectly; signify |
import: ((贸易)进口) bring in from another country | importunate: (胡搅蛮缠的,苛刻的) urging; demanding; expressing earnest entreaty |
importune: (强求,不停的求) beg persistently; ask for urgently or repeatedly; annoy | impotent: (无能的,弱的) weak; ineffective; lacking physical strength or vigor; incapable of sexual intercourse |