prodigy: (奇才,天才) person with exceptional talents or powers; wonder | profane: (亵渎) violate; put to improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse |
profligate: (放荡的,放肆的,不检点的) inclined to waste resources or behave extravagantly; wildly immoral | profound: (深刻的) deep; not superficial; far-reaching |
profusion: (过量,过剩) overabundance; lavish or unrestrained expense | progenitor: (祖先) direct ancestor; originator of a line of descent; originator or founder |
progeny: (后裔) one derived from another; offspring or descendant; result of creative effort, as product | prognosis: (预言,疾病警告) forecasted course of a disease; forecast or prediction; likelihood of recovery from a disease |
prohibitive: (禁止的,阻碍的,阻止的) tending to discourage; prohibiting; forbidding | projectile: (发射,导弹) weapon that is thrown or projected; self-propelled missile, such as rocket; fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object, such as bullet |
proletarian: (无产阶级的,蓝领的) member of working class; blue collar person | proliferate: (激增,繁殖) grow rapidly; propagate; reproduce |
prolific: (多产的,丰富的) producing offspring or fruit in great abundance; fertile | prolixity: (冗长的,啰嗦的) tedious wordiness; verbosity; great length; minute detail |
prologue: (序(诗歌,歌剧的)) introduction, usually to a poem or play | prolong: (拖延) make longer; draw out; lengthen |
prominent: (显著的,突出的,卓越的) conspicuous; immediately noticeable; sticking out; widely known | promiscuous: (随意混合的,打乱的,随便的) having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; irregular, casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior |
promontory: (岬,海角) natural elevation, especially a rock that projects into the sea; cliff; headland; high cape | promote: (提升,促进) help to flourish; advance in rank; publicize |