stalwart: (坚定的,强壮的) marked by imposing physical strength; firmly built; firm and resolute | stamina: (毅力,意志力) physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness; enduring strength and energy |
stammer: (口吃,结巴) make involuntary stops in uttering syllables or words; hesitate or falter in speaking; speak with stops and difficulty | stanch: (止血,血流变检测) stop or check flow of liquid; stop flow of blood from wound |
stanza: (节,段落(诗的),盘(棋的)) unit of poem, written or printed as a paragraph | stately: (庄严的,堂皇的) majestic; impressive, as in size or proportions |
static: (静态的) having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary | statute: (法令,条例) law enacted by legislature; decree or edict, as of a ruler |
statutory: (法定的,受法令所约束的) enacted by statute; depending on statute for its authority | steadfast: (坚定的,不渝的,忠诚的) firmly or constant loyal; fixed or unchanging |
stealth: (隐秘,隐藏,隐蔽行动) avoiding detection by moving carefully; acting in a covert way | steep: (浸泡,弄湿,陡坡,悬崖) soak; make thoroughly wet |
stellar: (星体的,恒星的) outstanding; principal; of or consisting of stars | stem: (制止流出,阻挡) stop flow of a liquid; make headway against |
stench: (臭气,恶臭) strong, foul odor; stink; foul quality; offensive odor | stereotype: (老套,一成不变,铅版) fixed and unvarying representation; conventional and oversimplified conception |
sterile: (消过毒的) barren; infertile; incapable of reproducing; free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms | stickler: (坚持细节之人,难事) one who insists on something unyieldingly; something puzzling or difficult |
stifle: (使窒息,扑灭) interrupt or cut off voice; keep in or hold back; suppress; conceal or hide | stigma: (耻辱的标记,柱头,气门) symbol of disgrace; small mark, as scar or birthmark; mark made with red-hot iron |