champion: (独占鳌头) protect or fight for as first place | championship: (锦标赛) status of being a champion; position or title of a winner |
chant: (诵经,喃喃地唱,单调重复地唱) utter with a melodious voice; celebrate in song; make melody with the voice | chaotic: (混乱的,无秩序的) in utter disorder; lacking visible order or organization |
chapel: (小礼拜堂) place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church; service conducted in a chapel | chaperon: (陪伴,伴随) person, especially an older or married woman, who accompanies a young unmarried woman in public; a guide or companion to assist activity |
charisma: (魅力) divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of political leader | charlatan: (吹牛) quack; one who pretends to knowledge, skill, or importance |
charm: (魔力,护身符,咒文,符咒,魅力) power or quality of pleasing or delighting; attractiveness; item worn for its supposed magical benefit | chary: (谨慎,吝啬) cautious; sparing or restrained about giving |
chase: (追捕) pursue for the purpose of killing or taking; hunt; follow as if to catch | chasm: (深渊) deep opening in the earth surface |
chassis: (底盘) rectangular frame attached working parts, as of automobile | chaste: (纯的) morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest |
chasten: (磨练) rid of excess; refine or purify; correct by punishment or reproof | chastise: (惩罚) punish, as by beating; criticize severely; rebuke |
chauvinist: (盲目爱国主义) person with prejudiced belief in superiority of own kind | check: (控制,阻止) stop motion; curb or restrain |
checkered: (多变的,像国际象棋棋盘一样的方格) divided into squares; diversified in color; marked by great changes or shifts in fortune | cherubic: (天真无邪) angelic; innocent-looking; like a baby; infantile |