throttle | (掐脖子,扼杀,节流阀) windpipe, or trachea; valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine; pedal that controls the throttle valve |
thwart | (阻碍,挫败) hinder or prevent of ; frustrate |
tightwad | (吝啬鬼) one who is stingy or overly cautious or defensive with money; miser |
timidity | (胆怯) lack of self-confidence or courage |
timorous | (害怕的) fearful; demonstrating fear; weakly hesitant |
tinge | (微调(颜色或味道)) degree, usually a slight degree, of some color, taste |
tint | (色彩) color; dye with a color |
tirade | (长篇慷慨激昂的演说) extended scolding; long angry or violent speech |
titanic | (巨大的) enormous scope, power, or influence; huge or colossal |
title | (名字,等级,拥有权) right or claim to possession; mark of rank; name of a book or film |
titter | (神经质的笑) laugh in a restrained, nervous way; giggle |
titular | (有名无实的) nominal holding of title without obligations; existing in name only; nominal |
toady | (谄媚的人,马屁精) person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; yes man |
token | (象征,记号,纪念品,金属代币,礼券) something intended or supposed to represent another thing; sign or symbol; memorial of friendship |
toll | (清空,鸣钟,(道路,港 口的)通行费,过路税) charge a fee for using; sound in slowly repeated single tones; announce or summon by ringing a bell |
tome | (册,卷,大型学术书籍) large volume; large and scholarly book |
topography | (拓扑学) physical features of a region; detailed, precise description of a place |
torpor | (迟钝,麻木,不活泼) state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy |
torque | (扭矩) turning or twisting force |
torrent | (急流,洪水) rushing stream; flood; heavy downpour |