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a. [रहस्यमय] impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious
Experienced poker players try to keep their expressions inscrutable, hiding their reactions to the cards behind a so-called 'poker face.'
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a. [फीका] lacking flavor or zest; not tasty; dull
Flat prose and flat ginger ale are equally insipid: both lack sparkle.
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n. [आग्रह] continual and persistent demands
Insistence on better working conditions by the union has resulted in fewer employee absences.
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a. [तात्कालिक] instant; immediate; occurring with no delay
Well, might the velocity of light be called instantaneous by the early observers?
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v. [भड़काने] goad or urge forward; provoke; incite
Rumors of police corruption led the mayor to instigate an investigation into the department's activities.
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v. [टपकाना] drop in; pour in drop by drop; impart gradually; infuse slowly; cause to be imbibed
I wanted Janet to trust me so I could instill new habits into her life.
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a. [अपर्याप्त] of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement
Our clothing was insufficient to protect us from the severe cold.
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a. [अमूर्त] not able to be perceived by senses, as touch; vague
The long-term intangible benefits of the Health Corps are immeasurable but just as real.
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v. [एकीकृत] make whole; combine; make into one unit
She tried to integrate all their activities into one program.
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a. [अनन्त] being or seeming to be without an end; endless; tedious; continual
Although his speech lasted for only twenty minutes, it seemed interminable to his bored audience.
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a. [आंतरायिक] periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals
The outdoor wedding reception had to be moved indoors to avoid the intermittent showers that fell on and off all afternoon.
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a. [आंतों] of or pertaining to an animal's intestine, a portion of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach to the anus
Boche had some intestinal problems, so the vet gave him medicine.
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a. [निडर] fearless; indicating or springing from courage
For her intrepid conduct nursing, the wounded during the war, Florence Nightingale was honored by Queen Victoria.
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a. [homogenize introspective] looking within oneself; thoughtful about oneself; studying or exhibiting one's own internal state
A renowned Tibetan lama pointed out that Westerners think people in the East tend to be more introspective and less concerned with material success.
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v. [अमान्य] make invalid; nullify; destroy
The relatives who received little or nothing sought to invalidate the will by claiming that the deceased had not been in his right mind when he had signed the document.
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a. [अपूरणीय] not able to be corrected or repaired
Any misdirected effort at manipulation or pressure may result in irreparable injury to the parts.
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a. [सिंचाई] disrespectful; showing lack of due respect; not revering god
Sorry, that was irreverent if you considered skiing is about the least diverse sport, especially your living in a ski town.
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a. [अटल] unalterable; irreversible; impossible to retract or revoke
As Sue dropped the 'Dear John' letter into the mailbox, she suddenly wanted to take it back, but she could not: her action was irrevocable.
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v. [kennel] supply land with water artificially; clean a wound with a fluid
How do you irrigate a wound in the wilderness setting?
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v. [गपशप] talk rapidly, unintelligibly, or idly
Why does the fellow jabber away in French when I can't understand a word he says?
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