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5000 Words Level 1 - 3 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
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limp |
v. [ぐったり] walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg; move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily Whistling to the dog, he began to limp down the trail. |
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list |
v. [一覧] lean or cause to lean to the side; lean over; itemize That flagpole should be absolutely vertical; instead, it seems to list to one side. |
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litter |
v. [ごみ] make untidy by discarding rubbish carelessly; scatter about Selfish picnickers litter the beach with food wrappers. |
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lively |
a. [生き生き] busy; energetic; vigorous On the international stage, a lively debate was already raging between two sides. |
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loaf |
n. [パン] any thick lump, mass, or cake, especially a large regularly shaped or molded mass, as of bread I was surprised at how soft it is since the loaf is about a football field's size. |
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loathe |
v. [嫌うは] dislike greatly; hate; cause to dislike or avoid Our priorities are ignored, and what we loathe is being pursued instead. |
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lobster |
n. [ロブスター] any large macrurous crustacean used as a food Stores and restaurants report that New Year's and Mother's Day lead in lobster sales. |
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lodge |
n. [宿] small house on the grounds of an estate or a park, used by a caretaker or gatekeeper From this window were visible the porter's lodge and the road. |
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loft |
n. [ロフト] elevation; room or space under a roof and above the ceiling of the uppermost story; floor placed above another The room has a loft that leads to the bedrooms on the new second floor. |
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loop |
v. [ループ] circle; ring; move in loops; make a loop in; join with a loop The old lady made one end of the silk thread fast to Tom's tooth with a loop and tied the other to the bedpost. |
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lounge |
n. [ラウンジ] public room with seating where people can wait; living room; lobby A large lounge is situated on the last floor, a perfect place to see some of Johannesburg's best views. |