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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[مطهر] a substance that kills germs or viruses; agent for removing the causes of infection, as chlorine | |
[الشجار] battle, assault, or quarrel with violence; wear away by rubbing | |
[أناني] caring only about oneself; selfish; self-centered | |
[علف] coarse food for cattle or horses |
[عزل] accuse; challenge or discredit the credibility of | |
[الثبات] bravery; force; power to attack or to resist attack | |
[فليك] weak; lacking firmness | |
[مرسوم] the decree, especially issued by a sovereign; official command |
[جنين] completely undeveloped form; an animal organism in the early stages of growth | |
[الحصار] ban on commerce or other activity | |
[بدعة] opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion | |
[الشعار] symbol; sign; distinctive badge, design, or device |
[غزوة] assault; an initial attempt; a sudden short attack | |
[علم الحشرات] study of insects; branch of zoology which treats of insects | |
[الشعار] symbol; sign; distinctive badge, design, or device | |
[منفذ] one who executes or performs; doer |
[عزل] accuse; challenge or discredit the credibility of | |
[الشجار] battle, assault, or quarrel with violence; wear away by rubbing | |
[الجهد] effort; expenditure of much physical work | |
[علف] coarse food for cattle or horses |
[الحصار] ban on commerce or other activity | |
[الشعار] symbol; sign; distinctive badge, design, or device | |
[تهرب] get away from by artifice; escape by dexterity; avoid giving a direct answer to | |
[التعطيل] block legislation by making long speeches |
[صومعة] building for storing threshed grain; region yielding much grain | |
[غزوة] assault; an initial attempt; a sudden short attack | |
[منفصلة] separate; consisting of unconnected distinct parts | |
[صوري] token; figure on the bow of some sailing vessels |
[فرقاطة] originally, a vessel of the Mediterranean propelled by sails and by oars; any small vessel on the water | |
[التعطيل] block legislation by making long speeches | |
[النهي] prohibitive; harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance | |
[صراحة] particularly; specifically; in an explicit manner |
[النهي] prohibitive; harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance | |
[سلف] predecessor; one who goes before or announces the coming of another | |
[معجبا] overjoyed; extremely happy and excited | |
[خرق] act contrary to, as a law, right, or obligation; annul or hinder |
[الثبات] bravery; force; power to attack or to resist attack | |
[التعساء] without hap or luck; luckless; unfortunate; unlucky; unhappy | |
[إعفاء] permission not to do something | |
[الفسحه] open passage through a wood; grassy open or cleared space in a forest; opening in the ice of rivers or lakes |