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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[गुप्त] marked by quiet and caution and secrecy | |
[अन्न भंडार] building for storing threshed grain; region yielding much grain | |
[वाग्मिता] powerful and effective language; persuasive speech | |
[गिर गया] agitation; chemical phenomenon in which an organic molecule splits into simpler substances |
[अनुभवजन्य] derived from experiment and observation rather than theory | |
[ग्लूकोज] monosaccharide sugar, occurring widely in most plant and animal tissue | |
[आरोपित] established firmly and securely; rooted | |
[विशाल] massive; bulky; great in size |
[शिकायत] complain or grumble; seek or shoot grouse | |
[सुपरिचय] state of being familiar; intimate and frequent converse, or association; freedom from ceremony and constraint | |
[ग्लूकोज] monosaccharide sugar, occurring widely in most plant and animal tissue | |
[आरोपित] established firmly and securely; rooted |
[ठगना] the mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs | |
[एंजाइम] any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in biochemical reactions | |
[अल्पकालिक] short-lived; enduring a very short time | |
[विपुल] high spirited; joyously unrestrained; abundant; luxurious |
[एकाकार] dull; lacking color; lacking in liveliness, charm, or surprise | |
[तेल] scrape gently; feed on growing grasses and herbage | |
[विस्फोट] outbreak; sudden, often violent outburst | |
[बौछाड़] flow forth suddenly in great volume; make an excessive display |
[गुप्त] marked by quiet and caution and secrecy | |
[बाष्पीभवन] breathe out; send air out of your lungs | |
[उजड��ड] rash; marked by unthinking boldness | |
[गोलमोल] open to two or more interpretations and often intended to mislead |
[चित्रण] picture; drawing; showing by example | |
[मैदान] furnished or equipped; sufficient to satisfy | |
[ग्लूकोज] monosaccharide sugar, occurring widely in most plant and animal tissue | |
[लोकगीत] traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally |
[शिकायत] complain or grumble; seek or shoot grouse | |
[लंगड़ाना] walk lame, bearing chiefly on one leg; walk with a hitch or hop, or with crutches; move roughly or irregularly | |
[उदासीन] not interested; indifferent; free of self-interest; impartial | |
[मूंड़ना] rob; a strip of money or other property unjustly, especially by trickery or fraud; ask an unreasonable price |
[व्यय] payment or expense; output | |
[ingratitude] lack of gratitude; forgetfulness of kindness or favors received | |
[लंगड़ाना] walk lame, bearing chiefly on one leg; walk with a hitch or hop, or with crutches; move roughly or irregularly | |
[अतिशयोक्ति] the figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis; overstatement |
[विस्फोट] outbreak; sudden, often violent outburst | |
[कोलाहल] loud noise of many confused voices; tumult; uproar. | |
[इन्सेफेलाइटिस] inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a virus | |
[लहरा] raise; lift; elevate; raise to one's mouth to drink |