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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[주근깨가 생기게하다] small brownish or reddish pigmentation spot on the surface of the skin | |
[이 구체화] give a bodily form to; represent in a bodily or material form; incorporate | |
[구출] free, as from difficulties or perplexities; cause to be emitted or evolved | |
[흥미] not interested; indifferent; free of self-interest; impartial |
[매혹] charm by sorcery; get control of by magical words and rites | |
[사기] force with the thumb; make a groove in | |
[풀다] scatter; drive away; cause to vanish | |
[계층] arrangement by rank or standing; series in which each element is graded or ranked |
[우스운] joking ,often inappropriately; humorous | |
[지느러미] near the back or upper surface | |
[흥미] not interested; indifferent; free of self-interest; impartial | |
[분별] detect; perceive, recognize, or understand something that is not clear |
[멍청한] dull; lacking color; lacking in liveliness, charm, or surprise | |
[인형] crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group; likeness or image, especially of a person | |
[인질] freedom from punishment or harm; exemption from injury, suffering, or discomfort | |
[영웅] agitation; chemical phenomenon in which an organic molecule splits into simpler substances |
[프레스코] cool, refreshing state of the air; the art of painting on freshly spread plaster before it dries | |
[방출] give off; send out; give out as a sound | |
[단풍 졸업] masses of leaves; a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches | |
[매혹] charm by sorcery; get control of by magical words and rites |
[흥미] not interested; indifferent; free of self-interest; impartial | |
[효소] any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in biochemical reactions | |
[분별] detect; perceive, recognize, or understand something that is not clear | |
[광신] excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause |
[엷은] young deer; buck or doe of the first year; young of an animal | |
[우스운] joking ,often inappropriately; humorous | |
[원예] cultivation of plants | |
[시크릿] with one's identity disguised or concealed; in disguise; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title |
[비유] not literal, but metaphorical; not with their basic meaning but with a more imaginative meaning | |
[악영향] injure or hurt; become worse; affect negatively | |
[거대한] huge; of a tremendous size, volume, degree | |
[허약한] without skill, ineffective; worthless; lacking purpose |
[우스운] joking ,often inappropriately; humorous | |
[방출] give off; send out; give out as a sound | |
[주근깨가 생기게하다] small brownish or reddish pigmentation spot on the surface of the skin | |
[시크릿] with one's identity disguised or concealed; in disguise; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title |
[주근깨가 생기게하다] small brownish or reddish pigmentation spot on the surface of the skin | |
[멍청한] dull; lacking color; lacking in liveliness, charm, or surprise | |
[가공] existing only in imagination; feigned; not true or real | |
[거대한] huge; of a tremendous size, volume, degree |