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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[پلاین] departure of a large number of people | |
[billowing dulcet] sweet sounding; pleasing to ear; melodious | |
[flake grope] search blindly or uncertainly; reach about uncertainly; feel one's way | |
[پرشٹھیی] near the back or upper surface |
[منع] prohibitive; harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance | |
[douse] plunge into water; wet thoroughly; extinguish | |
[abdicate] give up; do without; go or pass by without claiming | |
[dowdy] lacking stylishness or neatness; shabby; old-fashioned |
[نصیحت] urge on or encourage, especially by shouts; make an urgent appeal | |
[یکساں] of the same or similar nature or kind | |
[ینجائم] any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in biochemical reactions | |
[اخراج] give off; send out; give out as a sound |
[سکوپ] a place where animals are kept | |
[نکلتی] flow forth suddenly in great volume; make an excessive display | |
[چارہ] hunt for; search; the act of searching for food | |
[نصیحت] urge on or encourage, especially by shouts; make an urgent appeal |
[eruption] outbreak; sudden, often violent outburst | |
[چارہ] hunt for; search; the act of searching for food | |
[پرشٹھیی] near the back or upper surface | |
[کھدائی] the act of digging a hole or channel in the ground |
[billowing dulcet] sweet sounding; pleasing to ear; melodious | |
[gaggle] a flock of geese; a cluster or group | |
[کرکش] having a harsh, rough, grating voice or sound, as when affected with a cold; making a rough, harsh cry or sound | |
[بہاؤ] flowing; series of changes; state of being liquid through heat |
[ینجائم] any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in biochemical reactions | |
[gaggle] a flock of geese; a cluster or group | |
[abdicate] give up; do without; go or pass by without claiming | |
[نکلتی] flow forth suddenly in great volume; make an excessive display |
[مواخذے lurid] accuse; challenge or discredit the credibility of | |
[سرپٹ] move or run rapidly or carelessly, lifting the fore and hind feet alternately, in successive leaps or bounds | |
[flake grope] search blindly or uncertainly; reach about uncertainly; feel one's way | |
[روکتے] put at a disadvantage; tie up; hamper; prevent the progress |
[fanaticism] excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause | |
[بیمیل] lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony; unable to think in a clear manner | |
[پیٹوپن] excess in eating; the extravagant indulgence of the appetite for food; voracity | |
[مواخذے lurid] accuse; challenge or discredit the credibility of |
[اخراج] give off; send out; give out as a sound | |
[hilt] handle, especially the handle of a sword, dagger, or the like | |
[کھدائی] the act of digging a hole or channel in the ground | |
[مراتب] arrangement by rank or standing; series in which each element is graded or ranked |