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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[힘찬] tough; strong and firm; possessing physical strength and weight | |
[강화] give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen; enhance | |
[쓰러지는] submit to an overpowering force; yield to an overwhelming desire; give up or give in | |
[유물] surviving remnant; something left after loss or decay; object kept for its association with the past |
[방랑] a person without a permanent home who moves from place to place; a wanderer; tramp | |
[뱅이] person hardened in sin; a person without moral scruples | |
[촉각] used for feeling; relating to a sense of touch; perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible | |
[힘찬] tough; strong and firm; possessing physical strength and weight |
[끈기] firmness of hold or of purpose; persistence | |
[공명] reverberation; having the character of a loud, deep sound; quality of being resonant | |
[뎀] burn with hot liquid or steam; pain or injure by contact with, or immersion in, any hot fluid | |
[비난할 여지가없는] free of guilt; not subject to blame; completely acceptable |
[엄격한] full of rigors; harsh; rigidly accurate; precise | |
[포탑] a small, circular tower that is part of a castle; a part of a military vehicle that contains a large gun | |
[격리] isolation; solitude; secluded place; shutting out or keeping apart | |
[첨탑] spire, also, the tower and spire taken together; the whole of a structure if the roof is of spire form |
[태우기] burn superficially; parch, or shrivel, the surface of, by heat; affect painfully with heat; burn | |
[공명] reverberation; having the character of a loud, deep sound; quality of being resonant | |
[뱅이] person hardened in sin; a person without moral scruples | |
[유순] flexible; moving and bending with ease |
[관세] tax on goods coming into a country | |
[엄격한] full of rigors; harsh; rigidly accurate; precise | |
[격리] isolation; solitude; secluded place; shutting out or keeping apart | |
[단음] saw-like; having a row of sharp or tooth-like projections |
[신학교] school, especially a theological school for the training of priests; school of higher education, especially for girls | |
[태우기] burn superficially; parch, or shrivel, the surface of, by heat; affect painfully with heat; burn | |
[첨탑] spire, also, the tower and spire taken together; the whole of a structure if the roof is of spire form | |
[좋아지게] arouse again; make someone have a feeling that they had in the past |
[물결] in waves; fluctuate; having curls | |
[현기증] severe dizziness; reeling sensation; feeling about to fall | |
[힘찬] tough; strong and firm; possessing physical strength and weight | |
[격리] isolation; solitude; secluded place; shutting out or keeping apart |
[간결] brief or compact; by clear, precise expression in few words | |
[잔가지 모양의 무늬] a small shoot or twig of a tree or other plant; spray; a youth; a lad; a brad, or nail without a head | |
[똑바로 발음] speak indistinctly; pass over carelessly or with little notice | |
[물결] in waves; fluctuate; having curls |