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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 4 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[अवतल] hollow; curved like the inner surface of a sphere | |
[केन्द्राभिमुख] tending toward center; moving or directed toward center or axis | |
[स्वायत्त] self-governing; not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent | |
[प्रास्थगित] suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension |
[त्यागना] renounce upon oath; abandon forever | |
[ऐंठन] call together; cause to assemble in a meeting; convene | |
[संघर्षण] a gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the workforce without firing employees; wearing away through harassment | |
[नासूर] disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot; something evil that spreads through mind or society |
[टहलना] moving at an easy pace; walk slowly or leisurely | |
[नासूर] disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot; something evil that spreads through mind or society | |
[cloying] distasteful because excessive; excessively sweet, or sentimental | |
[कमी] act of emptying, reducing, or exhausting |
[प्रास्थगित] suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension | |
[मुक़ाबला] examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order | |
[मनगढ़ंत] untrue; of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous; fictitious | |
[एनाल्जेसिक] serving to reduce sensibility to pain without loss of consciousness |
[मनगढ़ंत] untrue; of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous; fictitious | |
[नासूर] disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot; something evil that spreads through mind or society | |
[नष्ट करना] unsuccessful; failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless | |
[अनुग्रह करना] condescend to give or grant; esteem worthy; consider worth notice |
[प्रास्थगित] suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension | |
[कृषि योग्य] fit for growing crops, as by plowing | |
[आकांक्षी] one who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position | |
[सम्मिलित होना] combine; fuse; grow together; come together to form one whole; unite |
[झूठा इलज़ाम] criticize for petty or frivolous reasons; raise trivial objections | |
[नासूर] disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot; something evil that spreads through mind or society | |
[अवतल] hollow; curved like the inner surface of a sphere | |
[avuncular] in the manner of an uncle, about uncle; kind, genial, benevolent, or tolerant |
[कृषि योग्य] fit for growing crops, as by plowing | |
[bevy] completely happy and contented; showing or producing exalted joy | |
[घृणा] fill with horror and loathing; horrify; hate | |
[अक्खड़] difficult to work with; rude; unyielding; unmanageable |
[मस्तिष्क का कार्य] act of cerebrating; thinking, mental activity | |
[भिन्नमतावलम्बी] one who differs in opinion, or one who declares his disagreement | |
[शोक प्रकट करना] grieve; express sympathy; speak sympathetically to one in pain, grief, or misfortune | |
[सहवर्ती] in conjunction with; accompanying; associated with |