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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 4 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[لا يسبر غورها] situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed | |
[طيف] showing a high degree of refinement | |
[حوض] win by a wide margin; beat thoroughly or heavily; punish or beat severely | |
[ترمي] design or tendency; meaning; import; disguise; covering |
[طيف] showing a high degree of refinement | |
[جوهر] pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing | |
[ترمي] design or tendency; meaning; import; disguise; covering | |
[قشرة] fragment substance, as of glass or metal; a piece of broken pottery, especially found in an archaeological dig |
[إعادة] restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship, or origin | |
[اشباع] satisfy fully; overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself | |
[تفتق] give light as a small wax candle; narrow toward the point; become small toward one end | |
[راو] storyteller; one who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit |
[مترددة] send back; give up; surrender; resign; restore; transmit or send, especially as money in payment of a demand | |
[احباط] hinder or prevent of ; frustrate | |
[الشبع] state of being satiated or glutted; the fullness of gratification, either of the appetite or any sensual desire | |
[وب��] voice or convey disapproval of; rebuke; find fault with |
[باسي] relating to a tailor, tailoring, or tailored clothing | |
[راو] storyteller; one who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit | |
[اشباع] satisfy fully; overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself | |
[متعرج] winding; bending in and out; not morally honest |
[نظام صارم] act of forming into a military unit or a large group of people; imposition of order or discipline; organization | |
[الصفيح] a small, badly built house, usually made from pieces of wood or cardboard, in which poor people live | |
[وصم] accuse; condemn; mark as wicked | |
[رهيب] formidable; arousing fear or awe; worthy of respect or honor |
[رديئة] avoid or neglect duty or responsibility; malinger | |
[صب] be abuzz; be full of; move in large numbers | |
[رهيب] formidable; arousing fear or awe; worthy of respect or honor | |
[راو] storyteller; one who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit |
[لا يسبر غورها] situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed | |
[قشرة] fragment substance, as of glass or metal; a piece of broken pottery, especially found in an archaeological dig | |
[كومة الثلج] a mass of snow heaped up by the wind | |
[الصفيح] a small, badly built house, usually made from pieces of wood or cardboard, in which poor people live |
[الخضراء] green; full of juice in vegetation | |
[رهيب] formidable; arousing fear or awe; worthy of respect or honor | |
[صب] be abuzz; be full of; move in large numbers | |
[طنان] stiff and artificially formal; inflated |
[جوهر] pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing | |
[التعايش] the interdependent relationship between groups or species, often mutually beneficial | |
[راو] storyteller; one who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit | |
[الحذر مستجمعات المياه] crucial dividing point; ridge of high land dividing two areas that are drained by different river systems |