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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[दुरुपयोग] improper use or handling; misuse | |
[कुटिल] having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned; curved | |
[सम्मोहक] overpowering; drivingly forceful; urgently requiring attention | |
[सजाने डिक्री] order from one having authority; decision, order, or sentence by a court |
[झरना] small waterfall; sudden downpour | |
[आपदा] catastrophe; great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty | |
[नक्षत्र] some stars seen from the Earth as a group and often having a name | |
[हलचल] doing; bother; troublesome business; fuss; bustle |
[crayon] large basket, used for moving china or similar wares; box or case whose sides are of wooden slats with interspaces | |
[वकील] lawyer; one who is appointed by another to act in his place or stead; proxy | |
[समझौते को विज्ञापित] state of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character | |
[महल] impressive country house or castle in France; large country house |
[दुरुपयोग] improper use or handling; misuse | |
[ग्राहक] clients of professional person; the body of customers or patrons | |
[कोमा] state of profound insensibility from which it is difficult or impossible to rouse a person | |
[रोब] mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder; fear, as of something evil |
[एनीमिया] condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; deficiency of red blood cells; lack of vitality | |
[महल] impressive country house or castle in France; large country house | |
[नक्षत्र] some stars seen from the Earth as a group and often having a name | |
[कमी] chew with force and noise; crush, grind or tread noisily |
[दुरुपयोग] improper use or handling; misuse | |
[प्रतिबद्धता] pledge, undertaking; an act of binding yourself to a course of action | |
[परिभाषा] clarity of outline; concise explanation | |
[स्पष्टता] clearness of thought or style; brightness; splendor |
[मनाया] famous; well-known; having illustrious past | |
[सम्मोहक] overpowering; drivingly forceful; urgently requiring attention | |
[बाध्यकारी] having the power to compel; exercising or applying compulsion. | |
[एनीमिया] condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; deficiency of red blood cells; lack of vitality |
[स्पष्टता] clearness of thought or style; brightness; splendor | |
[नक्षत्र] some stars seen from the Earth as a group and often having a name | |
[बधाई] praise; commendation; say something to someone that expresses praise | |
[विनाशकारी] destructive; highly critical; causing or capable of causing complete destruction |
[आकस्मिकता] condition of being dependent on chance; uncertainty; possibility | |
[अपनाने] accept; take on; raise; take into one's family | |
[घुड़सवार] part of military force which serves on horseback | |
[कल्पना] monster represented as vomiting flames, and as having lion head, goat body, and dragon tail |
[अपनाने] accept; take on; raise; take into one's family | |
[crayon] large basket, used for moving china or similar wares; box or case whose sides are of wooden slats with interspaces | |
[कॉम्पैक्ट] closely and firmly united or packed together; briefly giving a gist of something | |
[बग] general name applied to various insects |