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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[지독한] having the power to compel; exercising or applying compulsion. | |
[윙윙 거리다 꿈쩍도 카나리아] pale yellowish color; wine made in the Canary Islands; canary bird; quick and lively dance | |
[혼란] disorder; condition or place of great disorder or confusion; disorderly mass | |
[교통 안내] approach; entry; entrance |
[기억 상실] partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock or illness | |
[대륙] one of the large landmasses of the earth | |
[귀여운] deserving to be adored; worthy of divine honors | |
[대머리] hairless; lacking a natural or usual covering |
[압축] closely and firmly united or packed together; briefly giving a gist of something | |
[범퍼] something as bars at edges to absorb shock and prevent serious damage | |
[어필] attraction; charm; attract; fascinate; challenge | |
[버클] fold or collapse; bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat |
[냉소] skeptical of motives of others; selfishly calculating; negative or pessimistic | |
[충성] loyalty to a nation, sovereign, or cause; fidelity to any person or thing; devotion | |
[안심] made sure; exhibiting confidence or authority; indubitable | |
[비정상] unusual; not typical; not normal |
[동요] disturbed or violent motion; agitation; public disturbance; riot; excitement | |
[폭포] small waterfall; sudden downpour | |
[지독한] having the power to compel; exercising or applying compulsion. | |
[대머리] hairless; lacking a natural or usual covering |
[폭포] small waterfall; sudden downpour | |
[어필] attraction; charm; attract; fascinate; challenge | |
[비버] amphibious rodent about two feet in length; fur of the beaver; tall hat, originally made from beaver fur | |
[냉소] skeptical of motives of others; selfishly calculating; negative or pessimistic |
[위조] make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge | |
[천식] chronic respiratory disease, often arising from allergies | |
[유지 양성] kindly; favorable; not malignant | |
[뇌진탕] shaking or agitation; shock; injury to an organ, especially the brain, produced by a violent blow |
[비열] fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless | |
[헌신] pledge, undertaking; an act of binding yourself to a course of action | |
[한판] a contest between antagonists; contest or fight; a period of time spent in a particular way, as in illness | |
[칸막이] sleeping place partitioned off from a large dormitory; small compartment, as for work or study |
[손님] clients of professional person; the body of customers or patrons | |
[나무 껍질] a sound made by a dog; harsh sound uttered by a dog | |
[상병] belonging or relating to the body; bodily; noncommissioned officer, next below a sergeant | |
[압축] closely and firmly united or packed together; briefly giving a gist of something |
[대머리] hairless; lacking a natural or usual covering | |
[귀여운] deserving to be adored; worthy of divine honors | |
[동요] disturbed or violent motion; agitation; public disturbance; riot; excitement | |
[대륙] one of the large landmasses of the earth |