Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[ごみ] make untidy by discarding rubbish carelessly; scatter about | |
[採石場] victim; object of hunt; hunted animal | |
[器官] living being; system considered analogous in structure or function to a living body | |
[吐き気] the feeling of sickness in the stomach by an urge to vomit; strong aversion; disgust |
[パニック] sudden mass fear and anxiety | |
[ロブスター] any large macrurous crustacean used as a food | |
[脅威] danger; a threat or the act of threatening; something that is a source of danger; threaten; intimidate | |
[しわ] relating to the practice of psychiatry, a branch of medicine of mental and emotional disorders |
[ランデブー] meeting at a prearranged time and place; popular gathering place; prearranged meeting point for troops or ships | |
[病的に] caused by disease; pathological or diseased; unhealthy or unwholesome | |
[お昼寝] a period of time spent sleeping | |
[偽証] false testimony while under oath; breach of an oath or promise |
[動機] incentive; psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal | |
[試練] severe trial; a form of trial to determine guilt or innocence; a difficult or painful experience | |
[ノッチ] small cut; V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface | |
[しわ] relating to the practice of psychiatry, a branch of medicine of mental and emotional disorders |
[お昼寝] a period of time spent sleeping | |
[脅威] danger; a threat or the act of threatening; something that is a source of danger; threaten; intimidate | |
[プロット] a small extent of ground; secret scheme or strategy | |
[ノッチ] small cut; V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface |
[相棒] close friend; partner; mate | |
[プロット] a small extent of ground; secret scheme or strategy | |
[偽証] false testimony while under oath; breach of an oath or promise | |
[器官] living being; system considered analogous in structure or function to a living body |
[プロフィール] outline; a biographical sketch | |
[相棒] close friend; partner; mate | |
[吐き気] the feeling of sickness in the stomach by an urge to vomit; strong aversion; disgust | |
[妄想] exhibiting by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others |
[ランデブー] meeting at a prearranged time and place; popular gathering place; prearranged meeting point for troops or ships | |
[苦境] tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma; troublesome | |
[寄生虫] animal or plant living on another | |
[ペスト] epidemic disease with a high death rate; annoyance |
[採石場] victim; object of hunt; hunted animal | |
[弁護] appeal or request earnestly; enter a plea; offer as an excuse | |
[圧倒的な] overpowering in effect or strength; very great or intense; extreme | |
[ロフト] elevation; room or space under a roof and above the ceiling of the uppermost story; floor placed above another |
[遠征] an action calculated to frustrate an opponent or gain an advantage indirectly or deviously; maneuver; tactic or strategy | |
[相棒] close friend; partner; mate | |
[ポニー] a small horse; small glass of beer; word for word translation of a foreign language text | |
[特権] particular advantage or benefit not enjoyed by all; right reserved exclusively |