Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[डंठल] go through an area in search of prey; pursue; walk with a stiff or angry gait; move threateningly | |
[सादृश्य] likeness; similarity in appearance or external or superficial details | |
[रिग] manipulate dishonestly; make or construct in haste | |
[वार्डन] keeper; guardian; watchman; an officer who keeps or guards |
[रिज़र्व] lack of enthusiasm; skeptical caution; something saved for future use; self-restraint in expression | |
[देशद्रोह] disloyalty; betrayal of trust or confidence | |
[succubus] female demon supposed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with a man while he sleeps; evil spirit | |
[सिरिंज] a medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or draw them from the body |
[रिवर्स] overturn; turn inside out or upside down; turning in the opposite direction | |
[रिज] long, narrow upper section or crest; a chain of hills or mountains | |
[कण] the smallest part or particle imaginable; an iota | |
[ढांचे के रूप में] containing only an outline or rough form; being in the manner of a sketch; incomplete |
[टांका] sew; knit; fasten or join with or as if with thread | |
[रिज] long, narrow upper section or crest; a chain of hills or mountains | |
[परिमार्जन] gather something together over time; scratch repeatedly | |
[बहादुर] vigorous in the body; strong; powerful; performed with valor or bravery; heroic |
[अंक] act of getting the point in a game or sport; facts about an actual situation | |
[निराला] mentally irregular; ludicrous, foolish | |
[अल्पभाषी] shy and reserved; modest | |
[सादृश्य] likeness; similarity in appearance or external or superficial details |
[संघर्ष विराम चाल] suspension of arms of opposing forces; temporary quiet of action, pain, contest; period of no fighting takes place | |
[अंक] act of getting the point in a game or sport; facts about an actual situation | |
[कण] the smallest part or particle imaginable; an iota | |
[शाफ्ट] axes; vertical passage into a mine; long narrow stem or body of a spear or arrow |
[शाफ्ट] axes; vertical passage into a mine; long narrow stem or body of a spear or arrow | |
[बनावटी] acting in a stealthy, furtive way; gradually growing or persistent | |
[रिग] manipulate dishonestly; make or construct in haste | |
[यात्रा] travel; journey or leg of a journey, especially when slow or difficult |
[विलो] trees usually having narrow leaves | |
[शाफ्ट] axes; vertical passage into a mine; long narrow stem or body of a spear or arrow | |
[स्थिर] having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary | |
[अस्थिर] tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence |
[स्थिर] having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary | |
[डंठल] go through an area in search of prey; pursue; walk with a stiff or angry gait; move threateningly | |
[सार] diminish; undermine the foundations; dig | |
[टांका] sew; knit; fasten or join with or as if with thread |
[वापस जाना] occurring or developing later than desired or expected; delayed | |
[ट्रॉफी] sign or memorial of victory raised on the field of battle; any evidence or memorial of victory or conquest | |
[सिरिंज] a medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or draw them from the body | |
[रिज़र्व] lack of enthusiasm; skeptical caution; something saved for future use; self-restraint in expression |