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 5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [تسريب] free of; rid; remove all of one's clothing

Spelling Word: divest
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n. [جنين] completely undeveloped form; an animal organism in the early stages of growth

Spelling Word: embryo
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n. [علم الحشرات] study of insects; branch of zoology which treats of insects

Spelling Word: entomology
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n. [جنية] state of being familiar; intimate and frequent converse, or association; freedom from ceremony and constraint

Spelling Word: familiarity
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n. [حماسة المتحمسين] the intensity of feeling; the warmth of feeling; intense, heated emotion

Spelling Word: fervor
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v. [مرح] engage in merrymaking, joking, or teasing

Spelling Word: frolic
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n. [كأس] a kind of cup or drinking vessel having a foot or standard, but without a handle

Spelling Word: goblet
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n. [مجلخة] revolving stone disk used for grinding, polishing, or sharpening tools; millstone

Spelling Word: grindstone
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v. [جوش] flow forth suddenly in great volume; make an excessive display

Spelling Word: gush
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n. [مقبض] handle, especially the handle of a sword, dagger, or the like

Spelling Word: hilt