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 5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [配当] the sum of money to be divided and distributed; share of a sum divided that falls to individuals; a distribute sum

Spelling Word: dividend
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a. [折衷] composed of elements from a variety of sources

Spelling Word: eclectic
Read [Esc] (3)
v. [魅了] charm by sorcery; get control of by magical words and rites

Spelling Word: enchant
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a. [定着] established firmly and securely; rooted

Spelling Word: entrenched
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v. [脱出] free, as from difficulties or perplexities; cause to be emitted or evolved

Spelling Word: extricate
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n. [知識] state of being familiar; intimate and frequent converse, or association; freedom from ceremony and constraint

Spelling Word: familiarity
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a. [無謀] rash; marked by unthinking boldness

Spelling Word: foolhardy
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v. [飼料] hunt for; search; the act of searching for food

Spelling Word: forage
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n. [争い] battle, assault, or quarrel with violence; wear away by rubbing

Spelling Word: fray
Read [Esc] (10)
n. [チップ] something given freely or without recompense; free gift; a present

Spelling Word: gratuity