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 5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [났다 불쾌한] not agreeing with tastes or expectations

Spelling Word: disagreeable
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a. [자기 중심] caring only about oneself; selfish; self-centered

Spelling Word: egocentric
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n. [지출] payment or expense; output

Spelling Word: expenditure
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n. [퇴학] expelling; driving or forcing out; summary removal from membership or association

Spelling Word: expulsion
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a. [오류에 빠지기 쉬운] likely to fail or be inaccurate

Spelling Word: fallible
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n. [친숙] state of being familiar; intimate and frequent converse, or association; freedom from ceremony and constraint

Spelling Word: familiarity
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n. [얼굴] token; figure on the bow of some sailing vessels

Spelling Word: figurehead
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v. [해적] block legislation by making long speeches

Spelling Word: filibuster
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a. [신생] young and inexperienced; having just acquired its flight feathers

Spelling Word: fledgling
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v. [마초] hunt for; search; the act of searching for food

Spelling Word: forage