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 5000 Words Level 4 - 1 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [치받이] upward slope, as of hill

Spelling Word: acclivity
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n. [쓴맛] the bitterness of speech and temper; sourness or acidness of taste, character, or tone

Spelling Word: acerbity
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v. [동의하는 것] assent; agree without protesting

Spelling Word: acquiesce
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n. [기교] subtle but base deception; trickery; cleverness or skill; ingenuity

Spelling Word: artifice
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a. [소박한] free of artificiality; natural; open and honest

Spelling Word: artless
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n. [털갈이] the sharpness of temper; roughness or harshness, as of surface, sound, or climate

Spelling Word: asperity
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v. [단언] declare to be true; affirm

Spelling Word: aver
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v. [부추 기다] influence or urge by gentle urging or flattering

Spelling Word: cajole
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v. [사로 잡] charm; enthrall; seize by force, as an enemy in war, or anything belonging to an enemy

Spelling Word: captivate
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v. [트집 잡기] criticize for petty or frivolous reasons; raise trivial objections

Spelling Word: cavil