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 5000 Words Level 4 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [suy nhược] shrink; reduce in size; become less

Spelling Word: dwindle
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n. [thuộc về pháp lịnh] building up, especially in a moral or spiritual sense; moral, intellectual, or spiritual improvement

Spelling Word: edification
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n. [lời khen ngợi] high praise; formal expression of praise; a tribute

Spelling Word: encomium
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v. [chiếm] occupy exclusively; absorb; acquire most or all of; write or print the final draft of; make large or larger

Spelling Word: engross
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v. [vui thích] please intensely; fill with great delight or joy

Spelling Word: enrapture
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v. [liệt kê] list each one; mention one by one

Spelling Word: enumerate
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v. [cắt nghỉa] explain; make clear the meaning of; unfold meaning or sense of

Spelling Word: explicate
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a. [rời rạc] composed of fragments, or broken pieces; disconnected; not complete or entire

Spelling Word: fragmentary
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n. [chiều chuộng] the quality of being brave when something is difficult or dangerous

Spelling Word: gallantry
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a. [già chuyện] talking much and repetition of unimportant or trivial details

Spelling Word: garrulous