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 5000 Words Level 1 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [trọng tội] one of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary

Spelling Word: felony
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n. [thất bại] complete failure; sudden and violent collapse

Spelling Word: fiasco
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n. [hôi] an act that violates the rules of a sport

Spelling Word: foul
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n. [đá quý] a precious stone; jewel; pearl, or mineral that has been cut and polished for use as an ornament

Spelling Word: gem
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v. [nướng] question severely; torture or afflict

Spelling Word: grill
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v. [gầm gừ] utter a deep guttural sound, like an angry dog; give forth an angry, grumbling sound; emit low guttural sound

Spelling Word: growl
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v. [hack] cut or chop with repeated blows; break up the surface of; gain access to a computer illegally or without authorization

Spelling Word: hack
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a. [sôi] feverish; very busy with activity and confusion; habitual; marking particular habit or condition of the body

Spelling Word: hectic
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n. [chủ] great number; person entertaining guests

Spelling Word: host
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n. [vệ sinh] the degree to which people keep themselves or their environment clean; sanitation

Spelling Word: hygiene