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 5000 Words Level 2 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [寛解] temporary moderation of disease symptoms; cancellation of debt; lessening of intensity or degree

Spelling Word: remission
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n. [暴れん坊] rough, disorderly person; boisterous person

Spelling Word: rowdy
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n. [破壊] act of making a sudden noisy break

Spelling Word: rupture
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n. [おがくず] dust or small fragments of wood made by the cutting of a saw

Spelling Word: sawdust
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n. [発射] the whip used to inflict punishment; severe punishment

Spelling Word: scourge
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n. [飲酒] moderation, especially regarding indulgence in alcohol; seriousness; gravity in manner or treatment

Spelling Word: sobriety
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n. [捻挫] a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments

Spelling Word: sprain
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n. [スプリンクラー] one who sprinkles; a device with perforations through which water issues from a hose to sprinkle a lawn

Spelling Word: sprinkler
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a. [素晴らしい] of unusually high quality; excellent; wonderful

Spelling Word: superb
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n. [豚] any animal of the hog kind, especially one of the domestic species; pig

Spelling Word: swine