radical: /'rædɪk(ə)l/ a. Syn. drastic; extreme (根本的,激进的) drastic; extreme; arising from or going to a root or source; basic | random: /'rændəm/ a. Syn. haphazard; chance (随机的) without definite purpose, plan, or aim; having no specific pattern |
range: /reɪndʒ/ n. Syn. limit (行列,范围) limits within which something can be effective; variety of different things or activities | ratio: /'reɪʃɪoʊ/ n. Syn. rate; proportion (比,比率,比值) relation which one quantity or magnitude has to another of the same kind; rate; proportion |
rational: /'ræʃən(ə)l/ a. Syn. logical; reasonable (理性的,合理的) consistent with; based on; using reason | react: /ri:'ækt/ v. (反应,反抗,反对) act against or in opposition to; show a response or a reaction |
recover: /rɪ'kʌvə(r)/ v. Syn. regain (恢复,收回,取回) get or find back; regain a former condition | refine: /rɪ'faɪn/ v. Syn. purify (精炼,精制) purify; make more precise; improve |
regime: /reɪ'ʒi:m/ n. Syn. government; administration (政体) form of government; government in power; administration; prevailing social system or pattern | region: /'ri:dʒən/ n. (地区,地域) province; district; tract; neighborhood; the upper air; sky or heavens; inhabitants of a district |
register: /'rɛdʒɪstə(r)/ v. Syn. record (登记) give outward signs of; express; record in writing; enroll as a student | regulate: /'rɛgjʊleɪt/ v. Syn. direct (管制,控制) bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations; fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of |
reinforce: /ri:ɪn'fɔ:s/ v. Syn. strengthen; enhance (加强) give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen; enhance | reject: /rɪ'dʒɛkt/ v. Syn. refuse; deny (拒绝,抵制) turn down; refuse to accept; dismiss from consideration |
relax: /rɪ'læks/ v. Syn. free; loosen; calm ((使)松弛,放松) make less severe or strict; become less tense | release: /rɪ'li:s/ v. Syn. liberate; freedom (释放) give off; liberate; grant freedom to; make something available |
relevant: /'rɛlɪvənt/ a. Syn. pertinent (有关的,相对的) pertinent; having connection with matter at hand | reluctance: /rɪ'lʌktəns/ n. (不情愿,勉强) state of being reluctant; unwillingness; hesitancy in taking some action |
rely: /rɪ'laɪ/ v. Syn. trust; depend (依靠,依赖,信任,信赖) rest with confidence; have confidence; depend | remove: /rɪ'mu:v/ v. (拿走,撤走,除去) move away from the position occupied; cause to change place; take away |