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Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
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(For each sublist, we show the first 20 words as a sample.)
Exam Word - Total words: 337

4000 IELTS General Words List (5): Print Flashcard

a. commonly used or practiced; usual
n. a very small distance or space
n. a filamentous projection or process on an organism
n. the style in which hair has been cut
n. the act of cutting the hair
n. a double pronged pin used to hold women's hair in place
a. partial
n. one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval
ad. at half the distance; at the middle
a. including only half or a portion
n. United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924)
n. English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943)
v. divide by two; divide into halves
n. the ossicle attached to the eardrum
n. the act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows)
v. place into the hands or custody of
n. something written by hand
n. a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women)
n. people collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped
a. incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness
n. a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory
n. the management of someone or something
n. manual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with something
v. give to several people
n. giving money or food or clothing to a needy person
n. the activity of writing by hand
n. something written by hand
v. come to pass
v. chance to be or do something, without intention or causation
n. an event that happens
ad. in an unexpectedly lucky way
ad. in a joyous manner
n. emotions experienced when in a state of well-being
n. state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy