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Academic Words Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 2 |
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affect |
v. [влияют] have an emotional or cognitive impact upon The move is likely to affect women and girls worldwide as international brands such as Mango and Zara have signed up to the agreement. |
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affection |
n. [привязанность] fondness; tender feeling toward another; fondness I happen to think that the physical expression of love and affection is just about the best thing we humans do. |
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agency |
n. [Агентство] a business that serves other businesses; an administrative unit of government The FDA press office tells me the agency is aware of the incident and is currently investigating. |
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agreement |
n. [Соглашение] state of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character We are in agreement with their decision. |
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aid |
n. [помощь] person or thing that promotes or helps in something done; helper; assistant The company has also asked for an additional 3.50 billion dollars in aid from the government. |
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air |
v. [воздуха] be broadcast on television or radio The tidbits that will air on tonight's 6 o'clock news. |
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aisle |
n. [прохода] passageway between rows of seats, as in an auditorium or an airplane; the wing of a building I am glad that one side of the aisle is still trying to make this country work. |
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ally |
n. [союзником] confederate; partner; collaborator The trouble is that selling arms to this particular ally regularly involves commissions - in plain language, bribes - to well-placed people. |
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alone |
a. [только] solitary; by oneself, not with any other people Alice cried with a sudden burst of tears, 'I do wish they would put their heads down! I am so very tired of being all alone here!' |
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