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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 12 |
New Known Review |
chin |
n. [cằm] the central forward portion of the lower jaw; bottom of the face The face is mild and weak, especially in the thin short chin and feeble mouth. |
New Known Review |
chip |
v. [chip] cut small pieces from; diminish or reduce to shape; break or crack The snow stopped, and they began to chip ice from the windows. |
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New Known Review |
choke |
v. [choke] breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion; reduce the air supply Children can choke on peanuts. |
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New Known Review |
circus |
n. [xiếc] public entertainment of performances by acrobats, clowns, and trained animals I am not an animal rights person, but training animals to perform in a circus is cruel. |
New Known Review |
civil |
a. [dân sự] having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite Although Internal Revenue Service agents are civil servants, they are not always courteous to suspected tax cheats. |
New Known Review |
civilian |
a. [dân sự] of or relating to non-military life The first is integrating former rebels back into civilian life. |
New Known Review |
claim |
n. [yêu cầu] demand for something as rightful or due They struck in support of their claim for a shorter workday. |
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New Known Review |
clearance |
n. [thông] act of clearing; space cleared; permission to proceed or trust Professors who wish to work with human genetic material need clearance from their university's review board. |
New Known Review |
click |
v. [nhấp] make a slight, sharp noise by gentle striking; tick Students prefer to click the mouse rather than to strike the keyboard. |
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New Known Review |
New Known Review |
clip |
n. [clip] a small section of filmed or filed material Phil's job at Fox Sports involved selecting the most important clip of the day's sporting highlights for later broadcast. |
New Known Review |
closet |
n. [closet] a small room or apartment; room for privacy Please put the coats back into the closet. |
New Known Review |
clue |
n. [mối] a ball of thread or cord; thread; something guides or directs anything of a doubtful or intricate nature The main clue is a sample of blood that was found at the scene. |
New Known Review |