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Academic Words Level 4 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 7 |
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brisk |
a. [好調] marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic; swift; keen or sharp in speech or manner 'Come in!' Called a brisk, familiar voice as Ronny knocked lightly on the almost closed door. |
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New Known Review |
bulge |
v. [膨らみ] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude When the inserted balloon is filled with water, they bulge out in a variety of shapes. |
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bungalow |
n. [バンガロー] small house or cottage usually having a single story and attic Every summer, we rent a bungalow on Cape Cod for our vacation home. |
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buoyant |
a. [浮力] able to float; cheerful and optimistic When the boat capsized, her buoyant life jacket kept Jody afloat. |
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bustle |
v. [雑踏] move or cause to move energetically and busily; teem David and the children bustle about the house getting in each other's way as they try to pack for the camping trip. |
New Known Review |
calamity |
n. [災難] the event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; disaster; misery As news of the calamity spread, offers of relief poured into the stricken community. |
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calcium |
n. [カルシウム] silvery, moderately hard metallic element We need some calcium every day; it is an essential element for bone health. |
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canteen |
n. [食堂] a vessel used by soldiers for carrying water or other drinks; snack bar or small cafeteria Collins filled his canteen from the water barrel and dug out a box of shells for the shotgun. |
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caption |
n. [キャプション] title; chapter heading; text under illustration We got a caption error in The Far Side cartoons shown yesterday. |
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carcass |
n. [體は] the dead body of an animal, especially one slaughtered and dressed for food Hunters must check the animals in at stations while the carcass is still fresh. |
New Known Review |
catalyst |
n. [触媒] an agent which brings about chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged Many chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a catalyst. |
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caustic |
a. [苛性ソーダ] capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action The critic's caustic remarks angered the hapless actors who were the subjects of his sarcasm. |
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New Known Review |
centenary |
a. [周年] relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years The bridge, restored for its centenary, is a worthy contribution to future tourism in Durango state. |