1 Academic Task 1 Overview
IELTS Academic Task 1 is a short report writing, and the answer should be between 150 to 200 words. You are advised to finish task 1 writing in 20 minutes. Task 1 tests your ability to select and report the main features, describe and compare data, identify trends, or describe a process. You will be asked to convert a visual information source with a short report.
Academic Task 1 isn't as tricky as it sounds because it is just a 150 short report. Its answers are actually under some specified templates, which are easy to learn from high score model answers. Comparing them, you will see that they are highly similar and easy to figure out a few rules or formats to follow.
The task 1 is based on visual information source. Your first step is to understand the charts, tables, or pictures. The typical visual objects are:
- Bar
- Line
- Pie
- Table
- Chart
- Diagram
- Map and Other
In task 1, question type is independent of visual objects; the usual question types are as follows:
- Main information
- Compare data
- Show trend
- Describe process
The visual object list and question type list are two paths to prepare and practice Task 1 writing. Still, you should know that a question possibly consists of two or more visual objects and have more than one question types, such as summarize information and indicate trend. The real test task isn't limited to a single visible object or single question type.
IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 needs you to understand and summarize any chart, diagram, or table quickly and correctly, then express your thinking accurately. Examiners will mark your writing based on categorizing data, linking ideas, complex sentences, vocabulary, and grammar.
2 Task 1 Visual Object Type
IELTS test takers should prepare Academic Task 1 reports from both visual object and question type. We think visible object is the fundamental factor to construct your answer and suggest to practice on main visual objectives.
Here we list some questions with sample answers in 6 visual object groups to help you kick off practicing group by group.
However, because the real question of task 1 isn't limited to a single visual object or single question type, you may see some questions (and answers) are involved with more than one chart or question type, like Cause and Discussion.
Samples: Bar
Samples: Line
Samples: Pie
Samples: Table
Samples: Chart
Samples: Diagram
3 Academic Task 1 Topic
Here we collect more than 100 topics of IELTS writing task 1 and their related questions from recent tests. The topic list is maintained monthly and integrated with questions and some with answers. Selecting an interesting topic, you will get all on one page. Please note that if a writing topic only has one question available, you will see it immediately; besides, not every problem has an answer.
Click topic to get sample questions