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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 3 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[sân] rod; stick; branch; long piece of timber; the measure of length, equaling three feet | |
[yên] load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride | |
[dường như] apparently; appearing to be something, especially when this is not true | |
[tái] falling back into a former state, especially becoming worse |
[xoắn ốc] rotary; curled; moving in a zigzag course; moving in the shape of a coil | |
[cảnh] an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval | |
[hối hận] the pain of a guilty conscience; feeling of deep regret | |
[sự mặc khải] act of revealing or disclosing to others what was unknown before; manifestation of divine truth |
[yên] load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride | |
[ăn chay] someone who doesn't eat meat or fish usually for religious or moral reasons | |
[truyền] act of transmitting; automotive assembly of gears; sending of a signal | |
[buồn tẻ] tiresome because of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly |
[mỉa mai] a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound; stinging rebuke; a form of humor by mocking with irony | |
[luận án] paper; dissertation; an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument | |
[điêu khắc] statue; creating figures or designs in three dimensions | |
[hiệp ước] act of treating for the adjustment of differences; negotiation |
[hoang dã] a tract of land or region, uncultivated and uninhabited, whether a forest or a wide, barren plain; wild or desert | |
[khảo sát] poll; detailed critical inspection | |
[đói] hunger; deprive of food | |
[cạo] gather something together over time; scratch repeatedly |
[cướp] grasp or seize hastily, eagerly, or suddenly | |
[dường như] apparently; appearing to be something, especially when this is not true | |
[chiến thắng] victory; win; expressing great joy | |
[xoắn ốc] rotary; curled; moving in a zigzag course; moving in the shape of a coil |
[tình cảm] thought prompted by passion or feeling; feeling toward or respecting; disposition prompting to action or expression | |
[nêm] a piece of metal, thick at one end and tapering to a thin edge at the other, used in splitting wood, rocks | |
[cảnh] an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval | |
[mê tín] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion |
[thất bại] unanticipated or sudden check in progress; change from better to worse; obstacle, delay, or disadvantage | |
[thúc đẩy] urge a horse; incite or stimulate; ride quickly by spurring a horse; proceed in haste | |
[thở dài] inhale air than immediately expel it; make deep single respiration, especially to express fatigue, exhaustion, grief | |
[yên] load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride |
[thời] a law enacted by the legislature; decree or edict, as of a ruler | |
[cướp] grasp or seize hastily, eagerly, or suddenly | |
[cạo] gather something together over time; scratch repeatedly | |
[miễn cưỡng] not wanting to take some action; averse |
[stereo] stereophonic sound-reproduction system | |
[khảo sát] poll; detailed critical inspection | |
[cảnh] an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval | |
[chào] give a sign of goodwill; compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow; honor |