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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[cafe] coffee house; restaurant where coffee and liquors are served | |
[chốt] dash or dart off; move or jump suddenly | |
[kỷ niệm] annual; yearly; annual return of the day on which any notable event took place | |
[thỏa hiệp] adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of |
[thầu] make an offer of; propose; offer in words; declare, as a wish, a greeting, a threat, or defiance | |
[thay] represent; advantage, benefit, the interest of someone | |
[lỗi] general name applied to various insects | |
[dành] on, or to, one side; out of a straight line, course, or direction; at a little distance from the rest |
[tấn công] a violent attack; an onslaught | |
[thanh] a counter where you can obtain food or drink; cafe; strip; stick | |
[thay] represent; advantage, benefit, the interest of someone | |
[mã] body of law; system of rules or regulations relating to one subject; system of symbols, letters, or words |
[thầu] make an offer of; propose; offer in words; declare, as a wish, a greeting, a threat, or defiance | |
[Kế toán] one who maintains and audits business accounts | |
[cafe] coffee house; restaurant where coffee and liquors are served | |
[tấn công] a violent attack; an onslaught |
[đậm] brave; daring; intrepid; impudent | |
[thoát] jolt; rebound after having struck an object or a surface | |
[mã] body of law; system of rules or regulations relating to one subject; system of symbols, letters, or words | |
[công giáo] broadly sympathetic; universal; related to Roman Catholic Church |
[thầu] make an offer of; propose; offer in words; declare, as a wish, a greeting, a threat, or defiance | |
[tố cáo] defendant or defendants in a criminal case; a person charged with an offense | |
[chốt] dash or dart off; move or jump suddenly | |
[lập luận] invent and offer reasons to support or overthrow a proposition, opinion, or measure; debate |
[phiền] annoy; trouble; make agitated or nervous; fluster | |
[chính xác] capable of providing a correct reading or measurement; performing with care and precision | |
[áp dụng] exert; put into service; avail oneself to | |
[báo động] any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger |
[trái] relation of direct opposition; very opposed in nature or character or purpose | |
[xưng] acknowledge; admit that you have done something wrong | |
[tố cáo] defendant or defendants in a criminal case; a person charged with an offense | |
[hối lộ] something serving to influence or persuade; reward or gift to prevent judgment |
[kinh doanh] rightful concern or responsibility; occupation, work, or trade-in which a person is engaged; commercial enterprise | |
[lẫn lộn] a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another; lack of clarity or order | |
[cộng đồng] society; a group of people living in the same locality and under the same government | |
[thùng] vessel; large cylindrical container |
[thay thế] one of two or more things, ideas, or courses of action that may be used; option or choice | |
[cafe] coffee house; restaurant where coffee and liquors are served | |
[thanh] a counter where you can obtain food or drink; cafe; strip; stick | |
[chính] basic, center, or most important part; the essence |