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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 1 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[お届け] set free from restraint; set at liberty; release; give or transfer | |
[抱擁] crowd together; keep close to; tight or amorous embrace | |
[刑事] one who has committed a crime; one who is found guilty by the verdict, confession, or proof | |
[陵辱] offend; affront; treat, mention, or speak to rudely |
[亀裂] break into simpler molecules by means of heat; split; hit forcefully; pass through | |
[お届け] set free from restraint; set at liberty; release; give or transfer | |
[ヒント] allusion; clue; brief or indirect suggestion | |
[も] lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; disdain, contemptuous feelings, hatred |
[基盤] basis on which something is grounded | |
[お届け] set free from restraint; set at liberty; release; give or transfer | |
[地獄] place of the dead, or souls after death where sinners suffer eternal punishment; any place of pain and turmoil | |
[拒否] disagree with; refuse; declare untrue |
[お墓] a place for the burial; death, or extinction | |
[記述] act of describing; sketch or account of anything in words | |
[エレベーター] lifting device consisting of a platform or cage | |
[明確] fixed; exact; having distinct limits |
[刑事] one who has committed a crime; one who is found guilty by the verdict, confession, or proof | |
[亀裂] break into simpler molecules by means of heat; split; hit forcefully; pass through | |
[気晴らし] extreme mental or emotional disturbance; obsession; confusion of affairs; being drawn apart | |
[クリープ] move slowly; move stealthily or cautiously |
[エキストラ] something additional of the same kind | |
[賛成] act of gracious kindness; inclination to approve | |
[遭難] discomfort; cause strain, anxiety, or suffering to | |
[お墓] a place for the burial; death, or extinction |
[電気] pertaining to electricity; electric | |
[抱擁] crowd together; keep close to; tight or amorous embrace | |
[ファイル] line; proceed in one line | |
[グローバル] shine with intense or white heat; give forth vivid light and heat; exhibit a strong, bright color |
[浮気] throw with force or recklessness; throw or cast away; move in an abrupt | |
[データ] collection of facts, observations, or other information related to a particular question or problem | |
[賛成] act of gracious kindness; inclination to approve | |
[エキストラ] something additional of the same kind |
[名声] favorable public reputation; great renown | |
[基盤] basis on which something is grounded | |
[地獄] place of the dead, or souls after death where sinners suffer eternal punishment; any place of pain and turmoil | |
[気晴らし] extreme mental or emotional disturbance; obsession; confusion of affairs; being drawn apart |
[保護者] one who guards, preserves, or secures; one who has, or is entitled to custody of person or property | |
[キュー] end of a thing; queue; last words of an actor's speech; hint or intimation; humor | |
[脆弱] easy to destroy, delicate, not strong | |
[電気] pertaining to electricity; electric |