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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 1 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[충격] forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly | |
[야단법석] angry disturbance; excited state of agitation; needlessly nervous or useless activity; protest; quarrel | |
[유전자] of or relating to the science of gene; relating to, or influenced by the origin of something | |
[문화] all the knowledge and values shared by a society; foster; the raising of plants or animals |
[후손] a person who inherits some title or office | |
[대리] one appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him; substitute in office | |
[공상] capricious notion; something many people believe that is false | |
[디자인] act of working out the form of something; creation of something in mind; formulate a plan for |
[적응] be the right size or shape; conform to some shape or size | |
[충격] forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly | |
[다운 타운] the commercial center of a town or city | |
[면역] resistant to; free or exempt from; not subject to |
[인질] a prisoner who is held by one party to ensure that another party will meet specified terms | |
[플래시] emit a brief burst of light; appear briefly; a sudden intense burst of radiant energy | |
[시설] service, space, and equipment provided for a particular purpose | |
[다운 타운] the commercial center of a town or city |
[야단법석] angry disturbance; excited state of agitation; needlessly nervous or useless activity; protest; quarrel | |
[피고] one required to make answer in an action or suit | |
[대리] one appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him; substitute in office | |
[부탁] act of gracious kindness; inclination to approve |
[차원] a measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length; size; aspect; element | |
[부탁] act of gracious kindness; inclination to approve | |
[대리] one appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him; substitute in office | |
[파일] line; proceed in one line |
[함대] a group of steamships under the same ownership; a group of vessels or vehicles | |
[냉장고] container in which an electric motor pumps the coolant around | |
[유전자] of or relating to the science of gene; relating to, or influenced by the origin of something | |
[시설] service, space, and equipment provided for a particular purpose |
[야단법석] angry disturbance; excited state of agitation; needlessly nervous or useless activity; protest; quarrel | |
[육체] the soft tissue of the body, mainly muscle and fat; surface or skin of the human body; meat of animals | |
[데블] unbelievable; beyond belief or understanding | |
[동일] duplicate; alike; being the exact same one |
[유전자] of or relating to the science of gene; relating to, or influenced by the origin of something | |
[공상] capricious notion; something many people believe that is false | |
[세대] all offspring at the same stage from an ancestor; interval between the birth of parents and their offspring | |
[파일] line; proceed in one line |
[제거] eradicate; abolish; rule out | |
[유전자] of or relating to the science of gene; relating to, or influenced by the origin of something | |
[육체] the soft tissue of the body, mainly muscle and fat; surface or skin of the human body; meat of animals | |
[분노] ceremony held in connection with burial; burial procession accompanying body to the grave; end of existence |