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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 2 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[妨げる] put at a disadvantage; prevent the progress or free movement of | |
[装飾] ornamental; embellishing; serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose | |
[霧] droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground; haze | |
[香り] pleasant-smelling; odorous |
[電子] an elementary particle with the negative charge | |
[装飾] ornamental; embellishing; serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose | |
[値切る] argue about prices; bargain something, as over the price of something | |
[出発] act of departing; the fact of a person or vehicle leaving somewhere |
[フェリー] shuttle; transport by boat or aircraft | |
[落胆] depress; take away hope from | |
[欠点] drawback; defect; hinder; unfavorable condition or circumstance | |
[化石] remnant; remains of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age |
[欠点] drawback; defect; hinder; unfavorable condition or circumstance | |
[脚色] represent something in a dramatic manner; add details to | |
[柔軟性] quality of being adaptable or variable | |
[鍬] weed, cultivate, or dig up with a tool, which has a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle |
[忙しい] busy; momentous; full of events or incidents | |
[装飾] ornamental; embellishing; serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose | |
[色素] a substance used to color materials | |
[落胆] depress; take away hope from |
[風味] distinctive taste; quality produced by the sensation of taste | |
[設備] the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose | |
[エレガンス] the refined quality of gracefulness and good taste | |
[列挙] list each one; mention one by one |
[大学院] one who has received an academic or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study | |
[魅力] capacity to attract intense interest | |
[包む] enclose or encase completely with or as if with a covering | |
[化石] remnant; remains of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age |
[設備] the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose | |
[忙しい] busy; momentous; full of events or incidents | |
[寄付] grant; present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute | |
[列挙] list each one; mention one by one |
[風味] distinctive taste; quality produced by the sensation of taste | |
[寄付] grant; present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute | |
[拡張機能] supplement; an act of extending or the condition of being extended | |
[出発] act of departing; the fact of a person or vehicle leaving somewhere |
[値切る] argue about prices; bargain something, as over the price of something | |
[脚色] represent something in a dramatic manner; add details to | |
[設備] the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose | |
[不満] disappointment; failure; an act of frustrating |