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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 2 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[bón] any substance used to make the soil more fertile | |
[nhà] provide living quarters for; lodge; contain; harbor | |
[chậm trễ] act later than planned; put off; adjournment | |
[trầm cảm] sad; gloomy; low in spirits; dejected |
[tình cảm] sentimental; passionate; excitable; easily moved | |
[khắc] the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface by cutting grooves into it | |
[mật độ] thickness; the quantity of something per unit measure, especially per unit length, area, or volume | |
[tráng miệng] a dish served as the last course of a meal |
[cấm] not allow; prohibit; prevent | |
[xăng] petrol; flammable liquid consisting of a mixture of refined petroleum hydrocarbons | |
[khác nhau] different; unlike; not similar | |
[thủy tinh] an article of tableware made of glass |
[trời] expanse of space surrounding the earth; sky; place where the sun, moon, and stars appear | |
[độ cao] altitude; the height of a place above the level of the sea | |
[nản] depress; take away hope from | |
[kiệm] save money or resource; cut back; be thrifty |
[si] false belief; mistaken or unfounded opinion | |
[chủ nhân] a person or firm that employs workers | |
[khác nhau] different; unlike; not similar | |
[nhà] provide living quarters for; lodge; contain; harbor |
[khoảng cách] opening through mountains; pass; conspicuous difference or imbalance | |
[bón] any substance used to make the soil more fertile | |
[dũng cảm] bravery; force; power to attack or to resist attack | |
[khắc] the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface by cutting grooves into it |
[tôn cao] raise in rank or dignity; praise | |
[sáng lập] a person who establishes an organization, business | |
[khắc] the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface by cutting grooves into it | |
[thời trang] conforming to the current style; being or in accordance with current fashion |
[khoảng cách] opening through mountains; pass; conspicuous difference or imbalance | |
[trận động đất] quake from underground; extremely disruptive disturbance; temblor | |
[nội địa] region; remote and undeveloped area | |
[ngôn pháp] choice and use of words in speech or writing |
[nhà] provide living quarters for; lodge; contain; harbor | |
[đá quý] a precious stone; jewel; pearl, or mineral that has been cut and polished for use as an ornament | |
[sáng lập] a person who establishes an organization, business | |
[khắc] the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface by cutting grooves into it |
[khó chịu] distress; uneasiness; mental or bodily distress | |
[ngăn kéo] a boxlike container in a piece of furniture, made so as to slide in and out | |
[lông] bearing or covered with hair; made of or resembling a hair; rough with hair | |
[sáng lập] a person who establishes an organization, business |