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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 2 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[недостаточным] not sufficient to meet a need; insufficient; poor | |
[устрицы] marine mollusks having a rough irregular shell | |
[лига] association; a group of people or countries who join together because they have the same interest | |
[керосин] flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters |
[промышленно] made industrial; converted to industrialism | |
[гриппа] an acute febrile, highly contagious viral disease | |
[минимизации] diminish; belittle; make small or insignificant | |
[лига] association; a group of people or countries who join together because they have the same interest |
[интенсивной] thorough; concentrated; tending to give force or emphasis | |
[влиятельных] important; powerful; having or exercising influence or power | |
[лига] association; a group of people or countries who join together because they have the same interest | |
[бездействие] act of omitting; neglect, or failure to do something required by propriety or duty |
[непрактично] unwise to implement or maintain in practice; theoretical | |
[пухлые] sound of a sudden heavy fall; well-rounded and full in form | |
[гриппа] an acute febrile, highly contagious viral disease | |
[Популярные] of common people; suitable to common people; easy to be comprehended; not abstruse; familiar; plain |
[информативные] instructive; illustrative; providing or conveying information | |
[гриппа] an acute febrile, highly contagious viral disease | |
[разрешения] consent; approval to do something | |
[исправить] make repairs or restoration to; fix; improve |
[кварца] a hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form | |
[взаимодействия] communication; a mutual or reciprocal action; interacting | |
[гриппа] an acute febrile, highly contagious viral disease | |
[непрактично] unwise to implement or maintain in practice; theoretical |
[собственника] one who has legal title to something; owner | |
[однообразие] uniformity or lack of variation; continual increase, or continual decrease; tedium as a result of repetition | |
[драгоценности] gemstone; the costly ornament of precious metal or gem | |
[нагрузка] burden; something which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance |
[керосин] flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters | |
[влиятельных] important; powerful; having or exercising influence or power | |
[травмы] any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident, or fracture | |
[интенсивной] thorough; concentrated; tending to give force or emphasis |
[профессии] occupation requiring special education | |
[интенсивной] thorough; concentrated; tending to give force or emphasis | |
[нагрузка] burden; something which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance | |
[постулат] essential premise; the underlying assumption |
[органических] simple and healthful and close to nature | |
[Популярные] of common people; suitable to common people; easy to be comprehended; not abstruse; familiar; plain | |
[таинственный] beyond ordinary understanding | |
[микроскоп] the magnifier of the image of small objects |